Caroline Brown

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[av_team_member name=’Caroline Brown’ job=’Director, Global Trade & Supply Chain, Bank of America Merrill Lynch’ src=’’ attachment=’2590′ attachment_size=’full’ description=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]


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Caroline Brown is a Director of Global Trade & Supply Chain Solutions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Based in Los Angeles, she is instrumental in leveraging the bank’s core competency in global trade and supply chain, knowledge of best practices among industry leading importers and exporters, and a focus on working capital optimization and risk mitigation.

Prior to joining Bank of America Merrill Lynch in 2013, Brown was First Vice President of Comerica’s International Trade Finance Department and Co-Chair of Comerica’s Western Market African American Initiative.

As the former Director of the California Export Finance Office of the State of California; she also served as the Acting Director of the State’s Office of Export Development. She managed the domestic and overseas trade shows/missions and led California companies on an environmental trade show to Osaka, Japan.

Caroline began her 25+ year banking career with Bank of America where she established her career in management while developing a comprehensive business background. She enhanced her expertise as a commercial lender with City National Bank; and trade finance expertise at Bank of the West. She earned the respect of the trade community while serving on numerous boards including the Organization of Women in International Trade–Los Angeles, International Business Association, International Trade Education Program, and the Foreign Trade Association.

Brown obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Southern California.


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