Carl Asmus

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[av_team_member name=’Carl Asmus’ job=’Senior Vice President, FedEx’ src=’’ attachment=’2621′ attachment_size=’full’ description=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]


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The Evolving Ecosystem of Global Trade & Commerce: This address will focus on the evolution of global trade and commerce. The address will highlight how the global e-commerce ecosystem continues to shape global supply chains from both, a B2B and a B2C perspective.

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Carl W. Asmus is Senior Vice President of E-Commerce and President/CEO of FedEx Cross Border for FedEx Express. He is responsible for the design, development and implementation of the FedEx B2B and B2C global e-commerce portfolio of  transportation, logistics and value added solutions.

Asmus joined Federal Express in 1989 as Manager of Advanced Automation Programs.  In 1992, he was promoted to Vice President, Strategic Sales Planning and Support.  Carl joined FedEx Services in 1997 as Vice President of Marketing. In 2013, he took over as Vice President of Global Supply Chain Solutions and Market Development at FedEx Services where he led the HealthCare, SupplyChain, Sensor-based Logistics, Aerospace, and eCommerce strategies.  Most recently, Carl has driven the FedEx e-eommerce strategy by leading the acquisition and integration of FedEx Cross Border (formerly Bongo International) and FedEx Supply Chain (formerly GENCO).

Before joining FedEx as part of the Federal Express-Flying Tigers merger, Asmus was the Senior Director of Marketing for Flying Tigers.  Prior to Flying Tigers, Asmus was a partner with C. William Associates, a marketing consulting firm based in Los Angeles, California.

A native of California, Carl earned his undergraduate degree at California State University-Northridge. He currently serves on the Executive Board of the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business Center for Global Supply Chain Management where he provides strategic direction for the Center’s mission of NEAR (Network, Education, and Advanced Research).

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