Deborah Rosenbaum Smith

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[av_team_member name=’Deborah Rosenbaum Smith ‘ job=’Director of Talent Management, Learning and OD, Mattel’ src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’4076′ attachment_size=’square’ description=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]

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Dr. Deborah Rosenbaum Smith lead’s worldwide Talent Management and Learning & Organizational Development for Mattel Inc.’s Global Development & Product Supply division which includes product engineering, planning,  procurement,  manufacturing, logistics and quality.  As part of her role,  she created a means of assessing and developing employees’ skills and competencies to ensure their success during the division’s global transformation and created a process to rotate the division’s top talent through high profile assignments and experiences.

During Dr. Smith’s 20-year tenure in Mattel, she served as a Hong Kong-based expat overseeing Mattel’s Asia Pacific’s Talent Strategies. She previously held various corporate learning and development roles, creating Mattel’s 360 process, overseeing the global employee opinion survey, leading elearning, creating the company’s on-boarding program, and ensuring the relevance of the company’s performance management and career development processes and tools.   Prior to her work in Human Resources, Dr. Smith managed Mattel’s Worldwide Consumer Insights, testing concepts for their viability in the marketplace.

Before Mattel, Dr. Smith evaluated government and foundation programs to determine whether or not they met their funding goals.

Dr. Smith holds a PhD from the Univeristy of Southern California and a BA from UC Berkeley in Psychology.  She also is certified as an Executive Coach through the International Coaching Federation and has numerous assessment and learning and development certifications.  She has been an adjunct university professor, a statistical consultant, and continues pro bono work with university and graduate students to help them achieve their graduation requirements.  Dr. Smith currently sits on the Board of USC’s Marshall School of Business Executive Education program.  Previous Board memberships include UC Berkeley’s Westside Alumni Association and Sinai Temple’s Friday Night Live, which she helped to found.

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