Featured Speaker – Dave Padmos

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[av_team_member name=’Dave Padmos’ job=’Principal, EY’ src=’http://globalsummit.uscsupplychain.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Dave-Padmos.png’ attachment=’2450′ attachment_size=’full’ description=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]

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The growing tsunami of data is both a boon and bane to businesses in the digital age. Limitless oceans of data, often reflecting customer experience as it happens, have the potential to remake supply chains and business models. These models can and should be more efficient, productive, flexible and responsive. But right now, data is a mess. The current period of hyper data growth leaves most companies in a position where their ability to uncover business insights is effectively hidden within an increasingly complex and often unfathomable amount of data. How can we expect data, which today is one of the biggest transformational roadblocks at many companies, to enable an entire ecosystem? This discussion will explore the promise and perils of the “Big Data Era” in order to encourage all of us to proactively address the issues. Frankly, it’s “all about that data!”
