Gaurav Malhotra

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[av_team_member name=’Gaurav Malhotra’ job=’Digital Supply Chain & Operations Leader, EY’ src=’×180.jpg’ attachment=’4100′ attachment_size=’square’ description=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]


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Gaurav Malhotra is a Delivery and Sales leader focussed on all areas of Digital Supply Chain & Operations and IoT, who builds highly trusted relationships with clients and has an outstanding, demonstrated and proven sales and delivery track record. His extreme focus is on transformational engagements that deliver business value to clients and savings to the organization. He holds a track record in building and leading high-performing teams from the ground-up, with 20 years of industry and consulting experience in the areas of Logistics / Transportation Management / Warehousing / Supply Chain Management / Trade Compliance / Demand Planning / Supply Planning / Forecasting / Manufacturing. He is consistently engaged in Ernst & Young’s most complex and strategic engagements, playing various roles ranging from executive sponsor, delivery lead, client relationship management, quality assurance etc.

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