Greys Sosic conducts research in the area of supply chain management, sustainable supply chains, competition and cooperation in supply chains, and applied game theory. She has published papers in journals including Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Services Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management. She served as an Associate/Senior Editor at Management Science, MSOM, Operations Research, POMS, IIE Transactions, and the Decision Sciences Journal. Professor Sosic was a finalist in the 2006 JFIG competition, and received the Dean’s Awards for Research Excellence in 2007 and IISE Transactions Design & Manufacturing Best Paper Award in 2018. She is the recipient of the 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2012 MSOM Meritorious Service Award, 2009 Management Science Distinguished Service Award, 2010 Management Science Meritorious Service Award, and 2019 POMS Outstanding Senior Editor Award. She currently teaches Supply chain management, Sourcing and supplier management, and Sustainable supply chains in MBA and MSc programs.