Sarah Matthews

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[av_team_member name=’Sarah Matthews’ job=’Senior Manager, EY’ src=’’ attachment=’2697′ attachment_size=’full’ description=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]


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As a Senior Manager in Advisory Services – Performance Improvement at EY, I lead our Supply Chain Outsourcing pillar within our Outsourcing Advisory & Management platform. I advise my clients on how to enhance supply chain effectiveness through operating model design, outsourcing advisory services, and sales and operations planning. I am a skilled procurement professional including sourcing, vendor selection, category management and outsourcing.

My global experience includes industries spanning media and entertainment, healthcare, high tech, consumer products, automotive, food and beverage, consumer electronics, oil and gas and chemicals.

I am a three time recipient of the EY Culture Coin, an award given to those that are recognized for living our values.

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