Paul Brody

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[av_team_member name=’Paul Brody’ job=’Americas Strategy Leader, Technology Sector, EY’ src=’’ attachment=’2382′ attachment_size=’full’ description=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=”]


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Paul has spent more than 15 years in the electronics industry doing extensive consulting work across supply chain, operations, and business strategy.

He currently leads technology strategy for EY. His client experience in the past has included companies like IBM, HP, Samsung, LG, Huawei, Apple, Canon, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, Ericsson, Nokia, Alcatel, FIAT, Honeywell, and Raytheon, to name a few.

He is a member of the open linked-in network and he enjoys hearing about new ideas and technologies that will re-shape the industry or create opportunities (and challenges) for EY.

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